Thursday 2 August 2012

Facebook is our main way of communicating

Dear all,
please click on the link with facebook on the right column - that and a new specific facebook group for our synod exclusively are now the main ways of communicating however a v.brief update:
1) Revd Ruth Dillon will represent the URC in Taiwan in September including a visit to Chiayi Presbytery. If you would like her to take specific items for people there please contact her directly.
2) A Taiwanese couple will visit Heald Green URC & The Dandelion Community at St. Marks URC Wythenshawe from 1st-14th September 2012 to volunteer. They asked to visit these churches specifically however if you are interested in welcoming them to your church or community project in the synod during this time please contact me directly by phone through the synod yearbook.
3) A series of short mission in community films are being made this summer & autumn with Mandarin translation with help from Taiwanese & Mandarin speaking friends at St Peters Church & Chaplaincy & through the September visit. This is part of our outreach to friends in Taiwanese churches who may wish to visit or share about our churches and their mission and ministries in their local churches. We are setting up a You Tube account for the world church films and hope you will want to show and share them in English in your own local churches to encourage world church advocacy.
4) A prayer card is being prepared for all members in every local URC in our North Western Synod in order to take part in regular prayer and information sharing with Chiayi Presbytery in Taiwan. Revd Shou-Hui Chung and Angela Bogg are supporting this and it will be available for download in the autumn 2012 and will be emailed to all ministers and secretaries in the autumn too.

We want to do all we can do to gently encourage advocacy, prayer, learning and sharing with our World Church partners in Taiwan. If you have ideas and suggestions please dont hestitate to get in touch - leave a message here or do phone me or even post a letter! My contact info is in the synod handbook, available through your church minister and secretary and we are also on facebook too. many thanks, Rev Kate

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