Tuesday 30 June 2009

INVITATION to meet Waldensians in Manchester 10th July

Wilbraham St. Ninian’s United Reformed Church and the URC Waldensian Fellowship invite you to meet visiting members of the Waldensian Church (the long-surviving Protestant Church in Italy) for a meal on the evening of Friday 10 July 2009.

Fourteen members of the Waldensian Church are visiting England in July and staying in Sale and Manchester from Thursday 9 to Saturday 11 July 2009. This is one of the regular exchange visits by members of the Waldensian Church to Britain and members of the United Reformed Church to Italy, organised by the United Reformed Church Waldensian Fellowship. The North Western Synod maintains the link with the Waldensian Church on behalf of the United Reformed Church.

Wilbraham St. Ninian’s United Reformed Church will be hosting a meal for the visitors on the evening of Friday 10 July. It is expected that the visitors will return from visits to Southport and Ormskirk at about 7.30 p.m. After a description of the work of the local churches in Chorlton by the Revd Ruth Dillon, the meal is expected to start about 8 p.m.

We would be delighted if you can join us, but please let us know as soon as possible so that the church can cater appropriately. Also, let us know if you have particular dietary requirements. Contact George Morton - details in URC Handbook & Yearbook in your church & synod office.

Wilbraham St. Ninian’s Church is in Egerton Road South, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, at the junction with Wilbraham Road. The post code is M21 0XJ.

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